Discipline policy of the school:-
The students have to maintain discipline in the school premises which uplifts the culture of the school. The school holds the right to take any disciplinary action against the students for misconduct and indicipline.
Recommendations to Parents.
- Parents are requested to read the diary for all instructions. Check the same and ensure that it is sent to school every day.
- Any change in your address or telephone number should be intimated to the school promptly.
- Label all belongings of your child. All note books and text books must be neatly covered with brown paper only.
- Send a napkin and spoon every day with the lunch and snacks.
- Ensure that the child comes to school neatly in the prescribed school uniform.
- Make sure that the child is regular and punctual.
- In case of contagious diseases, sent the child after complete recovery with a leave letter supported by a medical certificate.
- Do not send money through the child unless requested for in writing from the school.
- Parent’s complaints / suggestions / appreciations should be intimated to the school in writing only.
- Parents’ participation and support is solicited for all functions and workshops organized by the school in the interest of your child.
- The school expects whole-hearted co-operation of the parents and they should abide by the rules and regulations of the school.
- Parents are not to contact the teachers at their residence. Parent-teacher contact should be made through the school only.
- For the issue/ attestation of any certificates, parents are to submit the application to the school office one week in advance.
- Parents can meet the teachers between 3.00p.m to 3.30 p.m every day.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
General Instructions to Students
- Students should bring this diary to school everyday. If the diary is lost, a new one should be purchased immediately.
- Students should strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the school.
- It is compulsory for all students to attend the morning assembly.
- Proper and complete uniform is compulsory. They should present themselves in the best turnout possible.
- Jewellery, fancy ornaments, hair clips, long and polished nails are strictly forbidden. Girls should plait their hair on both sides and tie it with black bands only. Proper hair grooming (army cut) must be done by boys. Long hair and beards are not permitted in school.
- It is mandatory to communicate in English on the school campus and school bus.
- CD’s, Cameras, Mobile Phones, Fancy items, toys etc should not be brought to school.
- No child will be exempted from physical training and games unless they produce a medical certificate from an authorized medical practitioner.
- No child is permitted to leave the class during class hours except for an urgent reason and that too with the consent of the teacher.
- No student will be permitted to leave the school premises during school hours. Visitors are not allowed during school hours.
- Students should not write or scribble on the walls; desks etc. or deface the school property / premises. Damage done must be paid for. Each class will be responsible for looking after the class property.
- Attendance at all school functions is compulsory.
- Note books, study materials and other records should be up to date and maintained systematically.
- Home work / projects or any other assignments alloted should be taken with due seriousness.Ensure timely completion and submission of the same.
- Late comers will not be admitted to the class without a note in their Diaries obtained from their parent.
- The classrooms are strictly reserved for study and should not be used as recreation rooms.